Dirty Mother Drink Recipe

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8 ratings
Nutrition Information† ‡

Serving size: 1 drink

0.0 g
14 g
0 g


How to Make It

Add ice to glass, pour Kahlua and Tequila, then fill the glass up with cream. Stir.


This drink recipe was submitted by one of our good-looking readers, Tina!

Comments on Dirty Mother

  • nancy
    Feb 17th, 2018
    tequila and Kahlua excellent
  • Joe Tequila
    Feb 9th, 2018
    Whatever get you through the day. Personally, I've always made mine with tequila so I will have to try cognac.
  • David M
    Jun 3rd, 2017
    ahhhhh, memories of the 1980s.....
  • Steven D.
    Feb 24th, 2017
    Oh yes...been drinking dirty mother for over 30 years...tequila, kahlua and cream..it is my favorite.. Long ago realized any drink with vodka is better with tequila
  • Rushman
    Jan 7th, 2017
    We do a shot very similar 1 part kahlua, 1 part tequila, 2 parts unsweetened almond milk, we can it a jizz shot......looks kinky like Stifler's beer in American Pie.
  • Julayna
    Nov 7th, 2016
    I've always known this drink as a Brave Bull or Brave Bull white if it has cream.
  • JE NW
    Jun 21st, 2016
    Pint glass, include cola. THIS is the Dirty Motha
  • Pete
    Dec 30th, 2015
    When you double it, we use call it a Dirty Grandmother
  • CV
    Dec 27th, 2015
    I used to order these all of the time made with tequila and Kahlua and cream. Best ever. True that you can have them with brandy...but tequila is better!
  • Ron
    Nov 15th, 2015
    What happened to the coke press?
  • Dirty neighbor
    Oct 11th, 2015
    I love Dirty Mothers.. but they do bring on the calories.. So we made up Dirty Neighbors lol We use Club Soda instead of Milk or cream.....
  • Ruthlessma
    Dec 18th, 2014
    I've drank these for many years. I now put Don Pancho Coffee Liqueur in place of Kahlua. Lowers the sweetness.
  • donna b.
    Dec 14th, 2014
    I use Hennessy,Kailua,and milk over crushed ice. It's the bomb diggity!
  • mare
    Aug 25th, 2013
    use tequila Kahlua rum vodka and blend in ice cream
  • Hombre
    Jul 13th, 2013
    sorry but tequila, Kahlua and leche is a Salsipuedes Seperator

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