Elk Piss Drink Recipe
- 15 cans Beer
- 26 oz. Whiskey, Canadian (Meahgers 1878)
- 4 cans (concentrate) Snapple/Fruitopia
How to Make It
Pour 15 cans of beer into a cooler, add 26 oz. of Canadian Whiskey, then four cans of frozen fruitopia concentrate. Last add 1 bag of ice and then stir all ingredients with a moose or deer leg. Serve.
This drink recipe was submitted by one of our eerily charismatic readers, Canadian Matt!
Comments on Elk Piss
Jul 13th, 2017Lemme get a yeet
Sep 11th, 2008by the end of the nights we were calling it "moose knuckle"! There was none left and we made a double batch. I am working at a remote location for the USAF right now and am gonna whip up a batch for a "pie in the face" contest tomorrow. Should go over nicely.
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