Gin And Vodka Martini Drink Recipe

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9 ratings
Nutrition Information

Serving size: 1 drink

0.0 g
4 g
0.1 g


  • 1 oz. Gin
  • 1 oz. Vermouth, sweet
  • 1 oz. Vodka

How to Make It

  1. Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add ice and shake well until chilled.
  3. Strain into glass.

This drink recipe was submitted by one of our sexy readers, bigcountry!

Comments on Gin And Vodka Martini

  • Chris J
    Dec 31st, 2021
    I just call it GREAT
  • John
    Aug 1st, 2020
    A vesper has Lillet instead of vermouth.
  • Rob
    Mar 1st, 2019
    I've always known it as a James Bond martini. It's my favorite also!
  • Cj
    Jun 20th, 2017
    In Georgia I heard it called a lace martini
  • dagwood
    Jun 9th, 2017
    Gin-Vodka Martini dry is called a Stingray
  • Chuck
    Jun 9th, 2017
    I heard it called a Wall Streeter
  • Debra
    Apr 27th, 2017
    It's called a Ronaldo
  • Earl Goldstein
    Apr 14th, 2017
    Andrew Mellon, Pittsburgh heir and philanthropist had a half gin and half vodka on the rocks every day for lunch, called it a half and half and lived to be 95
  • HoBo
    Feb 1st, 2016
    The way you like!
  • Rose
    Jun 26th, 2015
    Gin and vodka martini is called a lace curtain.
  • rickyleeguitar
    Dec 31st, 2014
    my buddy introduced me to Vodka Gin Martini only we use 2 shots of Vodka and 2 shots of Gin and a half shot of dry vermouth and some olives we call it "Rocket Fuel" a few of these you will be feeling fine!
  • Capt.Gigi
    Nov 21st, 2014
    Vesper "007" is Gordon's Gin, Vidka, Kina Lillet, and lemon peel. As for anything it whatever.
  • Bob Hickey
    Jul 29th, 2014
    This is what I call a perfect Martini Equal parts of gin and vodka over crushed ice, two olives and two spoons of olive juice.
  • Furry pickles
    Oct 30th, 2013
    In northern Minnesota on the iron range it's popular for the past 130 years and is called a klima. (Climba)
  • Jill
    Oct 28th, 2013
    It's called a Klima, from what I have heard. But I do not think many people know that, so it would not help you in ordering.

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